I find as my kids get older, I have more desire to develop my homemaking skills, like making bread, sewing, quilting, and even canning. These are things that I wasn't really interested in before. Is this a built in mommy-mechanism, like pinching your children's bums? (see bum-pinching post) Do these desires just naturally grow in moms as they get older until she becomes like her mom and her grandma? Is it built into us like super strength when a mom saves her baby from underneath an overtunred car? Or is it a 'keeping up with the Jonses' mentality when you see a friend's or neighbour's crafty project and think, "Well, I could do that... maybe even better!"
Just this year I have made a quilt for my son, aprons for my daughter, started baking homemade bread on a regular basis, embroirdered squares for a quilt, made homemade cards, and developed other crafty or homemaking skills. I've thought to myself befrore, "I have no desire to can... ever." But I found myself the other day eating a friends wonderful canned peaches and thinking, "Maybe I could can some peaches this year." Where did that come from? Was it my stomach talking or a natural mommy-mechanism?
What do you think? Are homemaking skills (like baking bread, and sewing clothes for your kids) a natural desire for moms? Or do we do it because we feel like we have to?
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