My son has a bag of foam blocks that he received for Christmas. He has become more interested in them in the last week or so and decided that it is super fun to dump them all over the floor. My daughter loves to build towers and castles out of the blocks. But then, along comes the toddler monster! He roars and swings his arms, destroying the beautiful princess castle/dinosaur home.
"MOM!" 'E' yells. "'G' knocked over my tower!"
'G' responds by laughing or screaming and kicking the remaining blocks that haven't been scattered across the room.
After some more yelling and crying from the kids, I make the decision to put the blocks away. Apparently sharing was not an option either kid was willing to take. Finally the room is all nice and clean, the blocks put nicely away and the kids are distracted by some other toy. Good. I can get back to whatever I was doing before.
Five minutes later I walk into "G's" room. It looks as if a volcano has errupted. A volcano that spews multi-coloured foam blocks. They are everywhere; on the floor, in his crib, underneath the floor rug, in the closet, tucked underneath clothes. How did a 22 month old manage to get that many blocks in so many places so quickly? And he is nowhere to be seen. The toddler monster has struck again.
At least the blocks were contained in his room this time.
I stare at the mess and think maybe I should clean this up. Oh, but what's the use? They'll just be on the floor again in a few minutes.
I do the "what's the use" a lot!! You will be surprised, years from now you will find a foam block somewhere you never thought possible! Boy do those things roam!! Lol! Thanks for the fun post,and the memories!