Monday 27 June 2011

Flooding Update

The rain has finally stopped, and so has the waterfall in my basement (see this post). There is still a pool of water in the storage room and I'm still waiting on the landlord to come by and use the wet-vac to clean it up. Luckily nothing was damaged but a few empty boxes.

They found where the leak was coming from and brought in a back-ho to dig a huge hole in the driveway. Sometime soon (hopefully) the landlord will come and pour some cement and seal up the leak for good.

And to top it all off, while all this junk and stuff was going on, this happened:
Not at all my best weekend.
But, compared to a lot of other people in town, we didn't get it bad. There has been lots of flooding and at least ours wasn't sewer backup! At least the sun is out today.

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