Wednesday 27 April 2011

Birthday Surprise

Monday was my husband's 30th birthday. We had been travelling for Easter (hence the short blogging hiatus) so I didn't really get to plan very much - or so he thought.  On Monday we had a nice relaxing day. My husband "A" didn't have to work so we had a nice time at home together. His brother and his family stopped by for a visit and we had a salmon supper (a true birthday gift, for I can't stand fish or seafood of any kind) and his favourite angel food cake. I felt kind of bad though because his gift hasn't arrived yet. I ordered something off eBay for him a month ago thinking it will be here in time for the 25th. The status said it had shipped, but nothing had arrived, so finally I wrote an email asking where it was. The seller had accidentally overlooked it and would send it right away. That was last Thursday, so with postal holidays, "A" won't be getting a birthday present for at least a week.

I think "A" was a little disappointed. No present to open, no party, just a family dinner with some really rowdy kids. He took it very well and cheery though and tried to be happy for me. What he didn't know was that I was planning a surprise party all along! I was sure my daughter "E" had given it away a million times and that "A" had figured it out. He always figures out my surprises.

So secretly and discreetly I invited some friends, family, and coworkers over for a BBQ and 30th birthday bash. I pressed the need for secrecy (even though I thought he knew) and told everyone to be at our house at 5pm. I delayed "A" from coming home too quickly by sending him to get some diapers. It worked! He arrived home totally oblivious to my scheming and was genuinely surprised. We had a blast eating hamburgers, hot dogs, and watermelon and enjoyed a warm spring evening. Most of the snow has melting in the backyard so the kids had great fun splashing in the mud and getting thoroughly dirty. It was a good birthday party. Now all I have to do is wait for his present to arrive!

1 comment:

  1. Oh surprising hubby is the best!!! The very best feeling in the world!!!!
