Monday 4 April 2011

Spring Is In The Air

Spring is springing! It has not yet sprung, but it is definitely on it's way. The sun is out and the mounds of snow are melting away slowly, but surely. Hopefully the snow continues to melt slowly so our basement doesn't flood. We have a de-humidifier down there, and that should help.

Last spring I was in Oregon, and I am finding myself missing the temperate weather and early signs of spring. In Oregon right now, there are probably shoots coming out of the soil, and flowers starting to bloom. I especially miss the cherry blossoms that look something like this:

Aren't they beautiful? Cherry blossoms are one of my favourite things. Sadly, no cherry trees up here. I do have a crab apple tree in the back yard; hopefully it will get some nice blossoms in a month or so.

So, the sun is out, the snow is melting and there is a freshness mingled with hope in the air. It's absolutely wonderful! What a great way to start a new week.

1 comment:

  1. I miss the cherry blossoms of Oregon too! But crab apple blossoms are lovely as well, at least you have that to look forward to. :)
