Monday 11 April 2011

Welcome Monday!

Wow! I'm glad my weekend is over! What a silly thing to say. It's usually the other way around. It was so busy and crazy.  Luckily, I did find a babysitter (as explained in this post) but it was totally last minute and I was feeling very stressed about it.

So here's kind of how my weekend went (in a nutshell):

Friday night: Drop the kids of at the sitter around 6pm. Business meeting from 6:30-11ish, where we had some really great speakers (Rex Crain especially - I'll blog about him some more tomorrow). I was also helping at the tools table, so I had to stay a little later. Got home late (with company) and to bed late.

Saturday: Drop kids off at last minute babysitter 9am. More business meetings until 1:30pm. Pick up kids, rush home, get my five year old "E" ready for the American Academy Ballet Performance. Ballet at 2:30-5pm. "E" did really well and received a silver medal with double distinction. My son "G" didn't last very long though and screamed from 4-5. Luckily I got to see "E" dance, but spent the rest of the time out in the hall trying to calm "G" down, so I missed the awards presentation. Then we go home where I clean the dishes, and pack our overnight bags. Then I drive an hour and a bit to  the next city over, where I meet my husband and we have a meeting for church. We stay overnight at a friends house - again getting to bed late.

Sunday: Church conference in the morning (again "G" wouldn't sit still, so I spent most of my time in the hall and foyer, but what I did hear was great and just what I needed to hear). Went back to our friend's house for supper (and a quick nap) and then drove home again.

So I'm glad that the busyness is gone and I can get back into my schedule.
Welcome Monday! (Except for the snow that is currently swirling around outside. Curse you snow!! I thought spring was finally here. <sigh>).

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