Thursday 7 April 2011

Happy Happy Springtime!

Hooray! I took out the stroller today and went for a walk/run. The roads are mostly clear of snow, but there are large puddles that my son loves to go splashing through, and luckily I only got a little stuck once. At least the sun is out and shining. I really need some Vitamin D. "G" loved it so much that he didn't want to come in, but after 2 hours, I was getting kind of tired.

It's been warm enough that my husband cleared off the deck and my kids have been spending every spare moment running around outside. The yard still has three feet of snow, but that's a lot less than a couple weeks ago and it's slowly melting. It's been great. The kids get to play outside (and I can see them from the kitchen window) and I can get some things done in the house while they wear themselves out. Spring sure makes me happy!!


  1. hi! i'm a new follower and inviting you to join our Thurs blog hop @:


  2. What a nice blog! I saw you on the blog hop! I will be following! I enjoy your page!

  3. Im a new follower as well...because you give me hope! Im 1 month away from delivering my first baby and just the thought of going running makes me smile. One of the very first things i bought when I got prego was my running stroller, and I cannot wait to take my baby E out for his first ride!

    If you have time, check out my blog at

  4. Stopping over from the Spearmint Baby blog hop. Glad you got to be sun here today :(

  5. What memories this brings back! Since my youngest just turned 6 on Sunday, my strolling days are all but a memory! My oldest and I put a lot of miles on our first stroller! Enjoy this great time! Thanks for a fun post!

  6. It's so wonderful to see the sun again after such a long winter! I'm also here from Spearamnt Baby.

  7. You make me feel guilty. I went out and did a few stretches before the kids' came home! It was cool, but bearable with the sun out!
    I'm a new follower from the hop. If you have time, please hop by and visit me:

  8. Spring makes me so happy, too! I love when the weather warms up, flowers start blooming, and the grass gets greener. Spring is one of the finer things in life! :)

    Thank you for visiting my blog today!

  9. i'm stopping by from a friends page! cute blog!! spring weather is the best, right??

