Wednesday 13 April 2011

Diaper Time.

My son "G" has suddenly decided he doesn't like having his diaper changed anymore. It used to go something like this:

Young Mother: Do you need a new diaper?
G: Ya.
YM: OK. Go get a clean diaper.
G would run to his room. Grab a diaper and lay down on his change pad.
G: (laughing) P-U! Stinky!
The process was so easy, quick, and painless. It is not so anymore. Now it goes like this:

YM: Do you need a new diaper?
G: (screaming) NO!
He runs away from me screaming. I try to calm him down, talk to him nicely, but nothing works. Eventually I have to hold him down and change his diaper. I can't leave him in a wet or soiled diaper - it needs to be changed. He is 22 months old and is showing no desire for toilet training. Despite his fascination with putting things in the toilet, he doesn't want to sit on it. So we struggle, scream and cry until he is changed and clean again. Then suddenly he is fine. He is smiling and happy and has forgotten all about the apparent trauma of putting on a new diaper.

I don't know what happened. Maybe he thinks a new diaper means naptime, or bedtime and doesn't want to go to bed, but I change his diaper more often than just before bed. Hopefully it's just a phase and he will be a helpful diaper changer again soon. Or better yet, he will show interest in potty training.

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