Friday 20 May 2011

Super Hero Cape

Today is my son "G"s second birthday. I can't believe he is already 2 years old! For his birthday I made him a super hero cape. I used a simple pattern that I found on a really cute blog Creative Kismet.

I made a few alterations though. For this pattern, it called for a serger, but I don't have one and don't know how to use one, so I used my sewing machine instead and stitched the two sides of the cape right sides together, then turned it rightside out and stitched up the neck.

For the super hero symbol I cut out the shapes and used fabric glue instead of applique to adhere it to the cape.

I then used a zig-zag stitch around each shape in their corresponding colours (I did all of this before stitching the two sides of the cape together). Since I am fairly new at sewing, I made a couple mistakes. As you can probably see in the picture, you can see some of the fabric glue through the white fabric. Next time I would learn to use an applique and try that out.

Another alteration I made was to use matching fabric instead of felt for the collar and I used Velcro instead of a tie to fasten the cape as this seemed safer.

The reverse side is Spider-Man. I know Spider-Man doesn't wear a cape, but it was the only superhero fabric left at the store (there was a sale!) and my son loves red.

I had a lot of fun making this easy cape (even though I was up until midnight finishing it off in time), and now my daughter is asking for one too. I'll just have to find some fun girly fabric for her and then I'll pump out another one of these fun babies!


  1. This looks wicked awesome . . .

  2. this looks fantastic young Mom! This gives me some ideas for the future. Thanks for the blog link too.

  3. That's awesome!! I should do something like that for K and E, they would love it. I can just imagine G running around with that on and a big grin!
